Allegri, Gregorio » Miserere and other Choral Masterpieces (Naxos, 1993) Slovak Philharmonic Choir/Capella Istropolitana, Martina Koppelstetter, The Scholars Baroque Ensemble…

Interpret: Allegri, Gregorio

Title: Miserere and other Choral Masterpieces (Naxos, 1993) Slovak Philharmonic Choir/Capella Istropolitana, Martina Koppelstetter, The Scholars Baroque Ensemble…

Format: CD

Item Number: 1115473

Barcode (EAN): 4891030508279

Stock: 0

Condition: Used

Price: 5.51 EUR (6.45 USD)
Including sale tax and excluding shipping costs

Sold out

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